Building / Material 2018
3o x 3o # 11
30” x 30.5” x 4.25”
paint (oil + acrylic), old + new wood, aluminum, tar paper and rubber, plastic + metal fasteners
30” x 30.5” x 4.25”
paint (oil + acrylic), old + new wood, aluminum, tar paper and rubber, plastic + metal fasteners
3o x 3o # 10
30” x 30” x 3.75”
paint, wood, metal, , fasteners + washers
30” x 30” x 3.75”
paint, wood, metal, , fasteners + washers
3o x 3o #9 (after San Miguel de Allende)
30" square x 2.5"
paint, old + new wood, metal + fasteners
30" square x 2.5"
paint, old + new wood, metal + fasteners
3o x 3o #8
30" x 30" x 4"
paint, old and new wood, tar paper, metal, fasteners + washers
30" x 30" x 4"
paint, old and new wood, tar paper, metal, fasteners + washers
3o x 3o #7
30” x 30” x 4.75”
paint, wood, metals, washers + fasteners
30” x 30” x 4.75”
paint, wood, metals, washers + fasteners
tri-ANGLE #3 Black + Multicolored, 17" x 18" x 4", paint, wood, metal fasteners + rubber + metal washers, 2016
tri-Angle #1, 28” x 29” x 4.5”, painted + stained wood, brass plate, copper, metal fasteners + escutcheon pins, 2014
tri-ANGLE #4 with Five Round Discs, 23”x 26”x 3.75”, paint, wood, screws, nails + rubber washers, 2016
tri-Angle #1, 28” x 29” x 4.5”, painted + stained wood, brass plate, copper, metal fasteners + escutcheon pins, 2014
tri-ANGLE #4 with Five Round Discs, 23”x 26”x 3.75”, paint, wood, screws, nails + rubber washers, 2016
tri-ANGLE #2 with a Copper Curve, 15”x 17”x 3.25”, paint, wood, copper, plastic, rubber washers, copper rivets + nails, 2016
tri-ANGLE #5, 23”x 27.5”x 3.25”, paint, old + new wood, copper + metal fasteners, 2016
tri-ANGLE #6, 13.5" x 15.25" x 5", paint (acrylic + oil), old + new wood, aluminum, metal + rubber fasteners, 2016
tri-ANGLE #5, 23”x 27.5”x 3.25”, paint, old + new wood, copper + metal fasteners, 2016
tri-ANGLE #6, 13.5" x 15.25" x 5", paint (acrylic + oil), old + new wood, aluminum, metal + rubber fasteners, 2016
Chunky Sheds, 2015 - 2016 (click on image for more information)
six trANGLES and RED, April 2005/studio shot, May 2017
wall space covered: 3 feet high x 8 feet across x 5" deep
wall space covered: 3 feet high x 8 feet across x 5" deep
Small Shed series (2018) #1 - #3
each about 8" x 4" x 4"
mixed media
each about 8" x 4" x 4"
mixed media
Small Shed series (2018) #4 - #6
each about 8" x 4" x 4"
mixed media
each about 8" x 4" x 4"
mixed media